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Strange errors scanner
Nov 06, 2022 22:38




I am trying to automate mesh provisioning and not use a PC tool. My slave seem to work as I get its MAC and RSSI, but scanner won't work.

Here's my scanner init function, refering this document :

blc_ll_initBasicMCU(); //mandatory

blc_ll_initStandby_module(tbl_mac); //mandatory

blc_ll_initScanning_module(tbl_mac); //scan module: mandatory for BLE master,

blc_ll_initInitiating_module(); //initiate module: mandatory for BLE master,

blc_ll_initConnection_module(); //connection module mandatory for BLE slave/master


however, trying to compile, I get these errors:

D:\Projects\Telink\SDK\Mesh_VCP\firmware\proj_lib\liblt_8278_mesh.a(ll_scan.o): In function `blc_ll_procScanData':
ll_scan.c:(.text.blc_ll_procScanData+0x66): undefined reference to `blc_ll_filterAdvDevice'
D:\Projects\Telink\SDK\Mesh_VCP\firmware\proj_lib\liblt_8278_mesh.a(ll_scan.o): In function `blc_ll_procScanPkt':
ll_scan.c:(.ram_code+0x82): undefined reference to `blc_ll_isScanRspReceived'
ll_scan.c:(.ram_code+0x1ac): undefined reference to `blc_ll_addScanRspDevice'
D:\Projects\Telink\SDK\Mesh_VCP\firmware\proj_lib\liblt_8278_mesh.a(ll_master_single_conn.o): In function `blm_ll_pushEncPkt':
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blm_ll_pushEncPkt+0x8c): undefined reference to `enc_skdm'
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blm_ll_pushEncPkt+0x90): undefined reference to `enc_ivm'
D:\Projects\Telink\SDK\Mesh_VCP\firmware\proj_lib\liblt_8278_mesh.a(ll_master_single_conn.o): In function `blt_master_main_loop_data':
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blt_master_main_loop_data+0x5bc): undefined reference to `enc_skdm'
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blt_master_main_loop_data+0x5c0): undefined reference to `enc_ivm'
D:\Projects\Telink\SDK\Mesh_VCP\firmware\proj_lib\liblt_8278_mesh.a(ll_master_single_conn.o): In function `blm_ll_security_proc':
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blm_ll_security_proc+0x154): undefined reference to `func_smp_info'
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blm_ll_security_proc+0x164): undefined reference to `enc_skdm'
ll_master_single_conn.c:(.text.blm_ll_security_proc+0x168): undefined reference to `enc_ivm'
make: *** [ble_lt_mesh.elf] Error 1


Thanks in advance

4 replies
TL_Soyo Nov 07, 2022 11:07

What project do you modify based on,if you need customized modification,please contact our sale team.

Javor [Author] Nov 07, 2022 19:07

I am modifying the 8278_mesh project. So far I made it a VCP (what I needed), and my custom board will have a jumper in order to choose between a node and a server (already implemented it on the dongle and the development board), so it has to choose its role on startup.

What I noticed is that blc_ll_initScanning_module(tbl_mac); function is commented in all projects except in a 8267_master_kma_dongle. If it should not be used with my 8278, how can I initialize those (scanning, initiating, connection) modules?

TL_Soyo Nov 08, 2022 10:11

In order to save space, the library files of different projects are deleted, so you can not compile  successfully

Javor [Author] Nov 08, 2022 16:12

Does it mean I have to make 2 separate projects - one as a node and one as a server?