I neeed to use timer in TIMER_MODE_GPIO_TRIGGER and gpio POL_RISING.
For example what I used in BLE sdk:
timer2_gpio_init(GPIO_HALL, POL_RISING);
Last year I wrote about the issue, that Gateway stopped receiving messages/reports from devices. This was happening once a day and sometimes a couple
I am trying to connect to TLSR8258 CS5460A (energy/power IC) via SPI.
I had a look at the SPI example in the Driver SDK and in the spi.c code, but I
I have a device (TLSR8258) which is an End Device with PM enabled (#define PM_ENABLE1)
Is it possible to debug this device with BDT?
When I try to d
What has happened with Bluetooth LE Single Connection SDK for TLRS825x chip?
It is not available for download anymore. You have to contact Telink to
I hope this tip will be useful for somebody.
Recently when I compiled one of the examples from BLE Single Connection SDK I had this error:
I spent 3 days trying all the examples different options:
1. BLE Single Connection SDK - feature_extend_adv
2. BLE Single Connection SDK - feature_p
I have tried to compile example b85m_feature_test. I want to test extended advertising, so I changed in feature_config.h
After a long while I had to go back from ZigBee to BLE SDK and found some issues that haven t changed for a couple of years.
How to set default pinco
When I debug/step via BDT I have for example this output:
pause mcu, pc : 0x01445e
00000000 <__start>:
10: 3363742d tcmpncc r3, #75497472