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BLE Single and Mutli Connection SDKs - examples Extended Advetising
Dec 23, 2023 06:20




I spent 3 days trying all the examples different options:

1. BLE Single Connection SDK - feature_extend_adv

2. BLE Single Connection SDK - feature_phy_extend_adv (as described in the Handbook)

3. BLE Multi Connection SDK -  feature_ext_adv

None of the examples works. I can t see the device on the phone app.

Has anybody had any success with extended advertising using TLSR8258?

I would appreciate any help.

2 replies
TL_Soyo Dec 25, 2023 13:57


  in the handbook can you confirm your phone support the extend adv? or can you use BLE sniffer or current recorder to confirm.

wes58 [Author] Dec 26, 2023 04:15

Hi Soyo,

The phone supports Extended Advertising - see below on the picture (last2 lines)

I have decided to check another phone - Galaxy S21.

I am using nRF Connect Android app.

Example "feature_extend_adv" worked on this phone. So is it Android 14 issue with Z Flip5?

I checked different options in the app.c and saw that some of them didn t work. I didn t manage to see extended data.

1. example option: #elif 1 // Extended, Connectable, Undirected - worked

2. When I tried option: #elif 1 //None_Connectable_None_Scannable Directed, with auxiliary packet

AdvData: 600 bytes, check that APP_MAX_LENGTH_ADV_DATA must bigger than 600

Note, I changed to BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC in this example. The result is:

Why do I get this? Data Status: Truncated?

Primary/Secondary PHY: Unused?


I tried a different option which didn't work, so I decided to go back to option that worked (1. Extended, Connectable, Undirected), but it doesn't work any more.

I recompiled the project, erased flash and flashed firmware and still doesn't work.

So for me it is the end of testing of extended advertising. I have wasted too much time on this.