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AES encryption and decryption not working with TLSR8359
Jul 04, 2022 22:53




I tried to implement AES in my code and it doesn't work properly. More specifically I'm encrypting and decrypting a 16 char string with a 16 char key just to understand if AES' functions work.

I've already read the guide suggested in one of the previous post, I followed its guidelines and both aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt return 0 if everything is ok.

Here is part of my code:

char key[17] = "ciaociaociaociao"

char data[17];

char chypertext[17];

int check = aes_encrypt(key, data, chypertext);

char plaintext[17];

check += aes_decrypt(key, chypertext, plaintext);

if (!check)

    obdWriteStringCustom(&obd, (GFXfont *)&DSEG14_Classic_Bold_16, 10, 120, (char *)"0", 1);


Of course I used obdWriteStringCustom with all necessary libraries and it works perfectly in every other part of my code.

aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt functions return 0 value, so it seems the did their job, and they also return an "encrypted" string.

Now it comes the problem: how do those functions encrypt data? The encryption function return a string not correctly encrypted: if Itry to pass the cyphertext to an online decrypter it never return the original plaintext.

Then I can't get the original plaintext neither giving the cyphertext to aes_decrypt since decrypt returns just some random numbers.

How can I solve it? 

Thank you! :)

TL_Soyo Jul 05, 2022 15:22


   I think you need config online decrypter parameters,our SDK uses the original version of AES encryption.

we test it using online decrypter as below.



2 replies
TL_Soyo Jul 05, 2022 15:22


   I think you need config online decrypter parameters,our SDK uses the original version of AES encryption.

we test it using online decrypter as below.

