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tlsr825x 使用 audio_dmic_init(AUDIO_16K); 初始化后,audio 数据为 0,这个需要怎么初始化呢?
hatcher.peng Aug 31, 2022 10:35 432 views 16 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Sep 16, 2022 16:53
需要做一个每隔 1s 发送一次脉冲的功能。如果每秒种都要唤醒去用软件操作 GPIO 的话,每次唤醒只做这一件事情,成本很高。所以想问下能否让芯片保持在 sleep mode,让 timer 或者其它外设去做到输出 1Hz 脉冲的功能。
ym Aug 30, 2022 14:34 249 views 2 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 30, 2022 16:31
I have the following issue with the router: I have 3 devices: 1 - gateway 2 - LED light (router) with buttons to turn  light on/off and increase/de
wes58 Aug 29, 2022 07:19 307 views 6 replies
Latest reply by: wes58 On: Aug 30, 2022 08:52
Hello! I would like to find an working example about Apple notification center service (ANCS) and tlsr825x chip. There is only several files about it
aloika Aug 28, 2022 20:42 289 views 0 replies
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shlbingo Aug 26, 2022 16:19 254 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 26, 2022 17:11
etenalstarchn Aug 26, 2022 11:01 337 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 26, 2022 13:46
请问Telink Mesh 与 Bluetooth Mesh 的SDK区别是什么?谢谢!
李工 Aug 26, 2022 10:30 326 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 26, 2022 11:51
liuye Aug 25, 2022 15:47 326 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 26, 2022 10:06
请问终端设备加到网关 内部的short addr什么时候会发生变化呢?我现在发现在没有恢复出厂的时候,某些终端设备的short addr发生了变化,请问一下这个短地址,在哪些情况下会发生变化?
dp Aug 25, 2022 15:46 349 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Aug 26, 2022 10:05
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