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FW update from with 16k retention to 32k retention
Aug 24, 2023 20:44




We use tlsr8258 chip as main SoC in some our device. We build some our custom OTA DFU feature (swap new FW.bin files between 2 main memory banks in internal flash), which works fine (so FW either start from first or second Memory Bank on startup, depending on parity of update cycle). Just like with native Telink's OTA procedure, but we rewrite BLE FW fragment transport layer.

 We see, that later B85 Single connection SDK versions require building heavy firmwares for tlsr8258 target with upgraded retention data size (boot file content replace and modify Eclipse macro from 16K  *.S file to 32K option).
Do we understand correctly, that all the changes made when rebuilding 16K to 32K retention data size, ARE ALL included in single*.bin output FW file ( which is generated in Eclipse project folder with name of the project unit in "vendor" )?

In other words, some day we'll need to update OTA old style 16K built FW to new one (which is built with 32K). Will device start and run OK in that case after update?

1 replies
TL_Soyo Aug 25, 2023 10:41


  It is fine when OTA ,as long as the size of the firmware does not exceed one FW bank size.