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how to get a mac id light_8258 module in light_switch module.
Jun 05, 2023 12:37




In "Telink Mesh", I put the "light_8258" sample code into board A, and then the "light_switch" sample code into the switch board.

As far as I know, the two modules are connected by mesh_name and password.

Q) Is there a way to know the macid of the light_8258 module in the light_switch module?

     Basically, when the mesh_name is connected to the password, can I know the mac-id as well?

Simply, I want to know the mac-id of light_8258 in light_switch.

1 replies
TL_Soyo Jun 05, 2023 16:15


  switch can not get the light mac in telink mesh SDK,it is designed for the low power and no scanner device .and can you tell what is your purpose for obtaining this, also we suggest you switching to the sigmesh SDK,it can get long time support.