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LPN Error
Jul 08, 2024 14:13




Hi team,

I use TLSR8253 and build a bluetooth mesh node in low power feature. Normally, after provision success, node will reboot and run low power feature. Here, I have a problem, chip is constantly being reset.

I found that, in low power feature, blt_sdk_main_loop ();  causes error.

void main_loop ()

   static u32 tick_loop;

   tick_loop ++;





////////////////////////////////////// BLE entry /////////////////////////////////

   blt_sdk_main_loop ();



I don t know if the problem is in the cstartup.s startup file and the link file. I use TLSR8253 and i tried to fix it. Initial file for TLSR8258 and chip not working.

File cstartup.s and boot link here.

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