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Change mesh name with light gateway
May 16, 2018 18:25



We are working on one of our prospect, where we are using TLSR8267 BLE chip and Telink SDK.

We have interfaced 1 BLE chip with our host MCU over UART. Our concern is to control the end devices in a mesh via the host BLE chip.

We have flashed light_gateway project on our host side BLE chip and for end devices, we have flashed light_8267 project.

Here, we are able to control end devices in a mesh network. Our host MCU will send the command over UART to host BLE module, and this will send the commands over the mesh to other end devices in order to control them.

From the understanding of SDK, we found UART command to change the mesh name of host BLE. The command we are sending to change the mesh name, password and network LTK of host BLE are as follows :

1) Changing mesh name
- 0x26 0x6d 0x65 0x73 0x68 0x31

2) Changing mesh password
- 0x27 0x31 0x32 0x33

3) Changing network LTK
- 0x28 0xc0 0xc1 0xc2 0xc3 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6 0xc7 0xd8 0xd9 0xda 0xdb 0xdc 0xdd 0xde 0xdf

4) Take command effect
- 0x29 0x02

Using above commands, we are able to change the mesh name, password and network LTK of host BLE properly.

Now, we are trying to change the mesh name of end devices which are part of the mesh.

Can we know how to change the mesh name of the end device?
Do we have UART command to change mesh name of end device via host BLE?
1 replies
MS-Liang Dec 06, 2018 12:19
Can we know how to change the mesh name of the end device via Gateway +1