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Telink TLSR8267 BLE chip OTA feature
Apr 27, 2018 22:21




We have TLSR8267 based BLE light devices and we want to perform OTA on those devices, but it does not allow.
So, we have tried to flash firmware on device using Telink Burning kit via SWS connections, but it is not able erase or write. Only read operation is working. Is it flash is write protected ?

Could you please help us to perform OTA on write protected devices ?

How to create new binary that could be updated using OTA to resolve this issue ?
1 replies
dien Feb 12, 2022 15:48

Hi, it's been 4 years since you posted this question and I'm having the same problem with tlsr8278. How did you handle it? Hope you get the message. 

TC32 EVK : Swire OK
[173]: wait for ack err!
Flash Sector (4K) Erase Error: 0