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Where is the Zigbee SDK source?
Dec 27, 2022 23:40




Where can I find the source for the objects shipped as the three (end device, router, gateway/coordinator) object archives e.g. `tl_zigbee_sdk\zigbee\lib\tc32\libzb_coordinator.a`?  I believe that your use of GNU code requires that such code be made available when requested.

I want the source code because I have a project that requires my Zigbee device to switch between coordinator and end device roles and I would like to create a "common library" that has both coordinator and end device (and perhaps router) functionality but with the active type (my device only fulfills one roles at a time) being determined by a config function.  I don't want to have to link in (with lots of name hiding to avoid clashes) multiple instances of the libraries, if only because of the size issues!


Paul DS (papadeltasierra).

1 replies
papadeltasierra [Author] Dec 27, 2022 23:41

P.S. Obviously happy to share any resulting code with you in case it is useful to others.