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TLSR8251 Scan response not being received
Aug 18, 2022 06:49




Hi there,

That's my second post regarding this problem. I'm having a problem with the Scan Response. Some devices I can get the scan response, but the device that I want is impossible. I literally didn't got it once using tlsr8251 (I can see it using my cellphone or other microcontrollers). I already used the blc_ll_clearScanRspDevice function, but the problem is that it never receives it. I can see the advertisement every time, but the scan response is not received. Can somebody help me with this problem?

2 replies
TL_Soyo Aug 19, 2022 10:06


  Can you capture packets and compare the difference between parsed and unparsed packets?

gugagop [Author] Aug 19, 2022 21:32

How can I capture these packets?