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binary required for Burning error solution
Jun 08, 2017 01:46



hi Mr(Ms),

in this forum, the document named AN_15071500-E3_Burning Error Solution For Telink Internal Flash.pdf located at SDKs\General Debug Tools List mention a boot.bin binary file required to solve a problem related to a wrong firmware burned in the EVK. Where can I find this boot.bin file ?


ps: I am using the TLSR8267 and the ble mesh SDK
4 replies
TL_Zhenfei Jun 08, 2017 14:55
jose.adonai [Author] Jun 09, 2017 02:08
I`m sorry sir, but are you certain that this binary file is correct?

I`ve tried just as described on AN_15071500-E3_Burning Error Solution For Telink Internal Flash.pdf using the BLE EVK board (TLSR8266ET56CK1528) and the BLEPlus DUT (TLSR8269F512ET48TK1625), none LED (D4, D5) turned on.
The BLE Plus board has something as firmware error (Slave MCU Reset Failed) when I try to reset the board with the wtcdb using the burning EVK.

I`ve already tried to execute the procedure described on this AN with a healthy BLEPlus board and none LED turned on too.

Also, I think that my BLE EVK has no problem because I can reset the MCU.

TL_yuzhong Jun 14, 2017 15:08
Hi jose:
There is a simple way to recover the board with these problems. Cut off the power of burning EVK, connect the DUT to burning EVK, use a tool or a wire to short the two point of the capacitance in PIN VDDEC , then connect the burning EVK to PC, release the short wire of the capacitance. Now you should be able to reset the DUT. Or sometimes you can connect GND(DUT) to GND(burning EVK), SWS(DUT) to (burning EVK), then reset mcu by wtcdb, if worked, connect the VCC wire, you will operate as usual later.
jose.adonai [Author] Jun 15, 2017 00:59
Thank you sir, this second alternative helped a lot.
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