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BLE Mesh Power Management not working as expected
Nov 28, 2018 04:30




We are developing an application based on 8269 and BLE Mesh SDK. We see that the applications draw a lot of current and we can´t get the Power Management to work.
The same behavior can be seen with the demo application light_8269. It starts with a current consumption around 30mA and don´t go down to Suspend as we expect it to do.
We have also tried to set the chip in Suspend in the main_loop our self's via the function proc_suspend (copied from the motionsensor project). But then it will not connect to the APP or Mesh again after resume. We think it don´t resume to send Advertise packages.

When trying the ordinary BLE examples the power management works as expected and as described in the Development Handbook.

Is this the intended behavior with BLE Mesh? Are there any better examples of using BLE Mesh and Power Management. Lots of the PM methods in BLE SDK are missing in BLE Mesh SDK (or we don´t understand how to use them)

Best regards
6 replies
TL_Jerry Nov 28, 2018 12:03
mesh application has no PM mode(suspend or deep),always be active mode。
christofer [Author] Nov 29, 2018 05:56
Thank you for the feedback. But are there not a remote for the BLE Mesh, is that not made to be in a low power mode ?
TL_Jerry Nov 29, 2018 10:30
The light and gateway project ,always be active mode;the switch projet has PM mode,when human behavior can active PM mode to active mode。
TL_Jerry Nov 29, 2018 10:34
the switch application,you can test the current form power on to deep mode,maybe XXmA~2uA;
christofer [Author] Nov 29, 2018 14:36
Yes, it is as you say, the switch application can be in deep sleep and then draws <2uA. But when we try to apply the same logic to our "light" application it can´t connect to the phone app when waking up again.

[b]Can the switch application connect to an Phone App or is it just for sending "commands" into the mesh?[/b]

We want an application similar to the light application but on battery power. On power up it connects to the phone and user can interact with our device and other devices in the mesh. When inactive for a period of time the device goes to sleep mode. After some time or user interaction (via hw button) the device wakes up again and checks if something important has happened. The best would be if it also could conserve power in it´s active state with short periods of sleep as described for the ordinary BLE SDK.

[b]Is it possible to achieve this behavior with 8269 and the Mesh SDK?[/b]
TL_Jerry Nov 29, 2018 15:28
1、Yes,the switch is just for sending commands;
2、The light can be into deep mode,when no commands be transmit;after some-times you setting by your application,can
disconnect and into deep mode。But you must use large battery,on battery power。And when you control this mesh node,must wakeup the connect node first ,the times before into deep mode,can do something 。
ps:Maybe you can find local FAE,for more information。
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