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Regarding proprietary packet frame format.
Jun 05, 2024 23:43




Hello there, hope you doing good.
I am planning on porting an existing proprietary stack on to TLSR8208/8366. The frame format for the same is as under:
Preamble | Access Code | Length | Payload
(1-4B)      | (4B)                | (1B)     | (32B min.)

I was looking at the Gen FSK LL, the code samples and document. The document mentions that header is 9 bit, out of which the 6bit is the address. But it is mentioned as negligible for Generic FSK.

So I am here to clarify, does that mean the those bits are not transmitted over the air, or those bits are not set altogether?
To maintain the on air compatibility with existing, I have to ensure that the on air format remains the same so it can successfully recieve and transmit in given format.

Thanks for reading, looking forward for any inputs.

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