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No USB device displayed in tdebug
Nov 20, 2017 14:27



Using the WTCDB tool, I am able to program the 8269 board, access flash etc. But, on setting SWB SP successfully
(set swire master speed: tcdb sp 10
set swire slave speed: tcdb wc b2 10
TC32 EVK: Swire OK
Total Time: 0 ms),
the tdebug window shows NO USB DEVICE. Please suggest the possible reasons for the same.
3 replies
TL_yuzhong Nov 29, 2017 17:30
It means the burning evk is not connected with PC, you can change a usb port or PC. If every time is the same problem, may need a new wtcdb tool.
kgopi [Author] Feb 26, 2019 21:44
I am able to program the device in wtcdb tool. The device not getting detected issue happens in tdebug and BDT tools.
TL_tigeryang0203 Mar 11, 2019 23:33
you should close suspend or deepsleep, the try again. make sure the three wires conneting correctly(3v3,SWS,GND)