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I need to use 2 UARTs in my project with TLSR8253. I used an example with 1 UART using  DMA and it has been working fine. But I can't see how can I us
wes58 Apr 28, 2022 05:42 583 views 4 replies
Latest reply by: wes58 On: May 05, 2022 15:36
我在Telink_RDS_v323上想断点调试TLSR9518ADK80D-kit的开发板工程发现每次都出现这个错误。   下面是我的软件得配置:  请问是什么原因导致的?
ninver2022 Apr 27, 2022 16:00 919 views 2 replies
Latest reply by: ninver2022 On: May 10, 2022 17:38
Hi everyone! Is there a guide where telink explain how to create a project for TLSR8359 and one (or more) explained/commented sample code? I can find
Mattia Apr 26, 2022 20:33 509 views 3 replies
Latest reply by: yuchen On: May 19, 2022 11:26
贵司是否公开芯片烧录协议 ? 我们是一家专门的第三方烧录器厂家,根绝部分客户诉求,想添加贵司的芯片到我们烧录器FT200上。
Sam_wang Apr 26, 2022 11:21 769 views 0 replies
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Hi guys! Could you please explain how to create a new project BLE for TLSR825x chip? I've already installed IDE and SDK. I want to create a project ba
blackice1098 Apr 25, 2022 10:25 253 views 3 replies
Latest reply by: Joel_Deng On: May 19, 2022 10:13
Hi Telink, 请问如何确保TLSR8258的固件烧录后,不被第三方获取到其固件?达到保护开发者的固件安全。 谢谢!
alan Apr 24, 2022 11:53 359 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Apr 24, 2022 13:25
Hi telink, 我正计划从TelinkSigMesh for android 的apk中修改为我自定义的UI和功能,我从telink  git clone了代码并使用androidstudio导入工程,按照android studio的帮助文档我可以正常编译和调试,但是我并不知道如何使用Te
Joel_Deng Apr 23, 2022 08:51 511 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Apr 24, 2022 09:44
大家好,      我使用的tlsr8258 ,蓝牙mesh sdk ,的lpn 工程,在开发过程中遇到如下问题: 进入深度休眠后,gpio每次都需要初始化才有效,而且每次唤醒初始化都会进入中断回调,如何让它初始化时不进中断?期待你们的回复谢谢
haiou Apr 21, 2022 18:13 556 views 1 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Apr 22, 2022 10:09
你好, 请问 telink_b85m_driver_sdk中的demo(B80_B85_B87) keyword B80 B85 B87分别对应什么型号? 我下载了telink_b85m_driver_sdk的文件并导入到 telink IDE,我发现下面有三个构建选项,B80_demo,B85
Joel_Deng Apr 20, 2022 11:50 797 views 2 replies
Latest reply by: Joel_Deng On: Apr 20, 2022 13:46
Hi, I purchased the TLSR8278 Indoor Positioning Starter Kit. I am currently trying to run the AoA demo but it is not working. I downloaded telink_b85m
Yuito884 Apr 19, 2022 14:42 826 views 3 replies
Latest reply by: TL_Soyo On: Apr 20, 2022 10:12
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